After a long day at work or out and about in New York City, Kevin Sharkey’s simple pleasure is often a Chopin martini, straight up, with a twist, in a Lobmeyr glass. “The glass makes it taste even better,” he says. “There’s always a special glass.” As a 23-year-long employee of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, it’s no surprise that every small detail of an experience or moment is critical to Sharkey — whether it’s the pristine white tulips that he loves to give as gifts or the casual outfits he chooses when he takes Jude and Truman Stewart, Martha’s grandchildren to whom he plays the role of honorary uncle, to ballet or soccer. While details are important, the memories are what matter most to him. “My favorite thing about throwing a party is cleaning up afterward,” he says, “and reflecting on all the memories of a good time.”
“I embrace any and all opportunities to have people over,” Sharkey says of his entertaining routine. His collections of silver, china and glass that he uses for these occasions are housed in his California Closets cabinet.
"Sharkey and Blue, an English Staffordshire bull terrier he gave to Jude and Truman, who call Sharkey ""Tio"" (Spanish for “uncle”), relax together in Sharkey’s bedroom, which is filled with books on every wall — one with all white (shown here), one with all black, and one organized by color."
I’ve been collecting books for a long time. And when I like something, I have a lot of it. I remember books based on the color of their spines, so that’s why I arrange my books by color. All my books are design-oriented. I might have a book about fashion photography next to a book about architecture next to jewelry design next to tabletop design, and it all kind of works together anyway.
Well, similar to my home, my style, I think, is appropriate. It’s well made. And it’s considered. I wear a suit most days to work. And I’ve been wearing Thom Browne suits for more than 20 years. Once I find something I like, I stick to it. And it’s just my nature to be somewhat discreet and conservative. So I think that personality characteristic definitely colors my choices across the board.
I have a Cartier Tank Americaine that was a 30th birthdaypresent from Martha that I love. But outside of that, I have this shoe closet, and on the inside of the door there’s this giant pinboard that’s kind of like my inspiration board. On that board are two little hospital bracelets from when we brought Jude and Truman home from the hospital. Those two bracelets are the things that matter most to me.
Well, to this day, Valentine’s Day is my favorite holiday. My parents always created an over-the-top experience for the holiday. One year, we came home from school and the room was filled with balloons. Another year, we had giant pink and red cakes that looked like wedding cakes. So it really depended on the holiday. But Valentine’s Day is just a holiday to tell someone you love them. And I’ve taken that to heart, no pun intended, into my adulthood. I send all of my friends valentines. It’s a big thing for me."